A preview now shows three columns with subject, number, and last modification date. 预览现在显示三列,它们是主题、数量和最后一次修改日期。
Most sitemap creators are web-based, and they request the URL of the website along with a few parameters such as change frequency and last modification date. 大多数站点地图创建器是基于web的,它们利用一些参数(比如说更改频率和最新修改日期)请求web站点的URL。
A new column indicates the last modification date. 一个新列会指示最后的编辑日期。
Optionally, you can list additional information for each URL, including its last modification date, its change frequency, an expiration date, and a priority value. 您可以选择性地为每个URL列出额外的信息,包括URL的最后修改时间、更改频率、终止日期和优先值。
The metadata cache contains the full path names of directories and files as keys and metadata ( e.g.file length, last modification date, and whether the key is a file or a directory) as values. 元数据缓存器将目录和文件的路径名称保存为键,将元数据保存为值(如文件长度、最后修改时间、标记该条目是文件还是目录等)。